In a perimeter of 55 km, the island of Boa Vista keeps the "last earthly paradise", where the majesty of the desert meets the endless ocean and beaches of white sand that plunge in a crystalline sea that shades off from green to turquoise.
The endless horizons and beaches make Boavista a unique place, totally alien to mass tourism.
The island has its own rhythm, its own logic and mood. Everything moves slowly along the times dictated by nature. The rush becomes just a distant memory and time and space return to be of us.
Boa Vista is the third largest island of the archipelago of Cape Verde and it is the closest to the coast of Senegal. It is part of the "Windward" islands, which makes it ideal for water sports like surfing, windsurfing and kite surfing.
The strong sea current and the piratical past of Boa Vista make the seabed mysterious and fascinating. There are more than 40 wrecks kept by the island. The coral reefs are the ideal habitat for many marine species, some of which are endemic and therefore unique.
The endless horizons and beaches make Boavista a unique place, totally alien to mass tourism.
The island has its own rhythm, its own logic and mood. Everything moves slowly along the times dictated by nature. The rush becomes just a distant memory and time and space return to be of us.
Boa Vista is the third largest island of the archipelago of Cape Verde and it is the closest to the coast of Senegal. It is part of the "Windward" islands, which makes it ideal for water sports like surfing, windsurfing and kite surfing.
The strong sea current and the piratical past of Boa Vista make the seabed mysterious and fascinating. There are more than 40 wrecks kept by the island. The coral reefs are the ideal habitat for many marine species, some of which are endemic and therefore unique.
In un perimetro di 55 km, l’isola di Boa Vista custodisce l’ “ultimo paradiso terrestre”, dove la maestosità del deserto incontra l’infinito dell’oceano e spiagge di sabbia bianca finissima si immergono in un mare cristallino che sfuma dal verde al turchese.
Gli infiniti orizzonti e le spiagge interminabili rendono Boa Vista un luogo unico, completamente estraneo al turismo di massa.
L’isola ha un suo ritmo, una sua logica, un suo umore. Tutto si muove con calma seguendo i tempi dettati dalla natura. Adeguarsi è indispensabile, la fretta diventa solo un lontano ricordo e il tempo e lo spazio ritornano a essere nostri.
Boa Vista è la terza isola per grandezza dell’arcipelago di Capo Verde ed è la più vicina alle coste del Senegal. Fa parte delle isole “Sopravento” che la rende ideale per gli sport acquatici come il surf, wind surf e il kite surf.
Le forti correnti e il passato piratesco rendono i fondali misteriosi e affascinanti, sono più di 40 i relitti custoditi dall’isola. I banchi corallini sono l’habitat ideale di molte specie marine, alcune delle quali endemiche e, quindi, uniche.
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